Dec 7, 2009

Return of the Mack

I'm most certainly back, re-charged, and with everything in order.  Despite (or possibly because of) massive life drama, I was fiending for some good seasonal and seasonally-appropriate beers.  Now my girlfriend some of you have said I write waaaaayyyy tooooo mmmmuuuuuch, and that if I knew what was good for me, I'd shut my trap and look pretty.  (You don't know what she's like in private.)  In that spirit, and the spirit of blogging in general, I'm going to be trying (TRYING) to write in smaller, more concise doses.  Of course, interviews and "essays" will still be a bit lengthy, but beer reviews and other such things will be tasty morsels.  Think of them as those little Cadbury Cream Eggs.  They aren't as big as those huge one pound buttercream shits, but they are still delicious and you aren't pissed off at the person who gave it to you for making you eat all that fat.  Seriosusly, has anyone ever bought one of those huge eggs for themselves?  No, they are all bought by jerks for other people.  But I digress.  That tangent is exactly what you will be seeing LESS of nowadays.  Maybe.  New post(s) a bit later.